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Latest from the Blog

Punctuation’s Rhetorical Effects

In Kevin Cassell’s article, Punctuation’s Rhetorical Effects, it is an interesting topic that went into the importance of punctuation and how it can decide whether or not a word is right. in my opinion writing is an obstacle for me. Personally when I’m writing i just keep continue writing i don’t worry about punctuation even…

Final Reflection

I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I began this semester in this class. I expected just to write essays, quizzes, and research papers, with a lot of work in that in between. I definitely didn’t expect us to create our own blog and then use it to send with all…

Tour blog

Hello everyone, today I’m going to share some Charlie’s blog with you. His blog is extremely excellently and well-considered, and it is well worth your time to read. his blog post is about video gaming he’s talking about all these kind of video games if your interested I recommended to read. https://charlienguyenblog509526380.wordpress.com/

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